科罗拉多河: 可持续发展的新时代
加州 put itself on the path toward 科罗拉多河 sustainability in 2003, 当它将其使用减少到4的基本分配时.400万英亩英尺的河水. 几十年来,, 加州的使用量超过了这个数字, 188bet棋牌平台多余的水和亚利桑那州和内华达州未使用的水. 但是在90年代, those states began using their full apportioned supplies and 加州 was compelled to cut back. The groundbreaking 2003 量化结算协议 and related agreements set aside decades-old disputes and facilitated water transfers from farms to cities, funded lining the All-American and Coachella canals to reduce seepage and led to new agricultural conservation in 加州 and partnerships with Metropolitan. The QSA, as it is known, marked a critical milestone in a new era of collaboration on the Colorado.
这种合作精神今天仍在继续. 最近的行动, more than 30 water agencies and providers from across the basin signed a 备忘录randum of Understanding committing to protect water supplies serving 40 million people through innovative water conservation programs, 社区内的倡议和政策.
Lea nuestra hoja informativa: Un Enfoque Equilibrado Para Reducir El Uso Del Agua.
自QSA以来, Metropolitan has invested millions of dollars to replace some of the surplus 科罗拉多河 water it lost. 通过与农业机构建立伙伴关系, Metropolitan pays participating farmers to conserve water while also ensuring the continued success of the agricultural economy. 通过这些项目节约的水——包括部分土地休耕, crop rotation and irrigation improvements – is then made available to Metropolitan. These efforts provide Metropolitan greater flexibility to plan for and withstand times of shortage.
Metropolitan pays farmers to not plant lower-value, water-intensive crops during spring and summer
了解更多:土地休耕 & 轮作计划
了解更多:恢复土地 & 生态系统
Metropolitan and the Quechan Tribe have launched a two-year pilot program to conserve 科罗拉多河 water while supporting the Tribe's agricultural economy.
How the 科罗拉多河’s resources are divided among the seven 科罗拉多河 Basin states and Mexico is governed by a series of interstate compacts, 法规, 最高法院法令, 与墨西哥的条约, contracts and regulatory guidelines - all collectively known as the 河律.
As climate change reduces flows on the 科罗拉多河 and water levels of the system’s two largest reservoirs – 米德湖 and Lake Powell – drop, 大都会航空公司也在加州以外地区建立有价值的合作伙伴关系. This new era of collaboration is helping ensure the continued reliability of 科罗拉多河 supplies across the West.
通过ICS计划,大都会可以存储超过1个.米德湖有6500万英亩英尺的水供干旱年份使用. Metropolitan collaborated with other states in the development of this program – creating valuable surface storage through cooperation rather than construction.
2019年签署, 大都会与七个盆地州合作开发了DCP, which helps prevent 米德湖 and Lake Powell from reaching critically low levels. 在 DCP下, each Lower Basin state agreed to store defined volumes of water in 米德湖 at certain elevations, 上盆地获准在鲍威尔湖储存蓄水量.
Metropolitan has collaborated with several Native American tribes in the 科罗拉多河 Basin to develop water management programs, including a forbearance agreement with the Quechan Tribe and an exchange agreement with the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians.
平衡科罗拉多河资源的使用和生态需求, 联邦和州合作伙伴创建了 电感电容电阻测量MSCP in 2005 to work toward the recovery of endangered and threatened fish and wildlife along the Lower Colorado. 该项目正在创造超过8100英亩的新栖息地.
为了保护科罗拉多河的水源水质,大都会 是与 the Central Arizona Project and Southern Nevada Water Authority on initiatives to address water quality challenges including salinity, 入侵物种和工业污染物.
Metropolitan also has partnered with agencies in Nevada and Arizona to fund other projects important to protecting 科罗拉多河 supplies, 包括沃伦布洛克水库, Yuma Desalting Plant and the Mexico Water Treaty Pilot 保护 Project (Minute 319 and 323).
多亏了这些项目, in 2019 Metropolitan put a record amount of water into storage in 米德湖 and helped 加州 divert the lowest amount of 科罗拉多河 water in 70 years.
Many of the agreements described above were made possible by guidelines that will terminate in 2026. As climate change further stresses the 科罗拉多河 and population continues to grow across the West, leaders from the Basin states are negotiating new guidelines and agreements to address a drier future. Those negotiations will continue for several years until new guidelines are finalized and adopted by the Secretary of the Interior for implementation in 2027.