萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲与加州其他任何地方都不一样. 同时也是心脏的心脏 国家的供水系统, 河口是超过35种濒危本土动植物的家园, 数十个历史悠久的社区和数十万英亩的农田. The fertile peat soil of its islands produces an estimated $965 million in agricultural crops annually and its ecosystem supports the commercial salmon industry on the West Coast. 三角洲同时也是全州水利基础设施的重要一环, 一个重要但脆弱的生态系统, 是我们经济的引擎,也是500人的家园,000人. It’s also a region that has witnessed major land-use and landscape changes over the past centuries.
三角洲曾经是一片广阔的沼泽地,覆盖着规则和野生动物. 19世纪中期, settlers built levees to drain and reclaim the land and today about 95% of the original wetlands and floodplains are gone. In this highly altered environment, non-native species have thrived, over-running native species. 条纹鲈鱼, 亚洲蛤和许多其他入侵者, 大大小小的, 吃的要么是当地居民,要么是他们赖以为生的食物.
Recognizing the importance of stabilizing the Delta and securing our water future, 大都会购买了一些 三角洲岛 in 2016. 使我们对国家和地区水资源的承诺更加透明, 大都会董事会正式通过了一项更新的 《湾三角洲政策纲要 2022年10月. As a responsible landowner and conscientious neighbor invested in environmental stewardship, 我们致力于以科学为基础的流域管理, multi-benefit environmental initiatives and community-based partnerships with local stakeholders on these islands and throughout the region.
A public meeting on July 10 introduced local interests and other stakeholders to two multi-benefit projects to improve Webb Tract, one of four islands in the 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲 owned by Metropolitan Water District.
作为与萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲保护协会合作的一部分, the hybrid meeting at Big Break Community Center in Oakley focused on the Rice Conversion and Wetland Restoration projects planned for Webb Tract. The projects are funded by the Nature-based Solutions Grant Program administered by the Delta Conservancy.
大都会最近发布了一份 征求建议书 确定一个农业合作伙伴转换最多1,500 acres of existing agricultural lands to rice and is in the design phase of a habitat restoration project that will restore up to 3,500英亩为湿地. 有关这两个获资助项目的详情,请按此浏览.
For more information about the project or to sign up for future updates regarding the project, 请与Malinda Stalvey联系 (电子邮件保护).
三角洲面临着许多挑战, 大都会致力于寻找可行的方法, 合作解决方案. 都市区拥有的三角洲韦伯土地, 培根岛, Bouldin Island and Holland Tract – enable us to explore cooperative approaches to improve the declining ecosystem and promote water reliability. 与我们董事会通过的一致 粤港澳政策框架, we contribute to re搜索 and science-based watershed management that improves water quality and reliability, restores native habitat in support of protected and endangered species and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. 我们也在研究气候变化的风险, 管理泥炭土以减少碳排放和加固堤坝.
我们正在与州和联邦机构合作, 技术专家, academia and environmental organizations to develop and participate in the studies and projects highlighted below.
协作, multi-benefit projects on Metropolitan's Delta island properties have focused on land use adaptation and habitat restoration opportunities, subsidence reversal efforts and promoting resilience against climate change while mitigating carbon emissions.
由该州1号提案拨款资助, this project on Bouldin Island includes a mosaic of land uses for reversing subsidence and promoting sustainable agricultural practices, 碳封存, 温室气体减排, 改善水质及恢复生境
A $20.9 million grant awarded by the Delta Conservancy will fund construction of wetlands and rice fields on Webb Tract to encourage native vegetation and enhance ecosystem benefits.
While the project supports the conservation goals established by the State’s 30x30 Initiative, 它不会为现有和拟议的项目提供缓解措施, 包括三角洲运输工程.
这是博尔丹岛的试点项目, 大都会之间的合作, DWR, 加州大学戴维斯分校流域科学中心和其他实体, 是研究漂浮泥炭湿地吗, 历史上存在于三角洲地区. 如果这些浮动湿地可以重新建立, 它可以改善生态系统,降低堤坝倒塌的风险.
This re搜索 examines the role of environmental conditions and life stage on the survival of liberated cultured Delta smelt and the role for semi-natural ponds on Metropolitan’s 三角洲岛 to support successful supplementation.
Metropolitan has provided access to its 三角洲岛 to support a number of scientific studies investigating survival rates of juvenile Chinook salmon, 该地区濒临灭绝的本地物种, in relation to the increasing presence of non-native predators such as the largemouth bass and proliferation of non-native submerged aquatic vegetation.
在过去的三十年里, 联邦, 州和地方机构, 还有非政府机构, 一起188bet棋牌平台过, contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to projects that help restore and preserve the Delta’s ecosystem. 除了它拥有的岛屿上的项目, Metropolitan partners with other agencies and organizations on projects that benefit the Delta’s natural systems.
Metropolitan participates in this multi-agency initiative led by the California Department of Water 资源 that aims to advance more than 30,000英亩的关键栖息地恢复和改善, Suisun Marsh and Yolo Bypass region to support the Delta’s long-term health and its native fish and wildlife species through cutting-edge science and shared expertise and investment.
Metropolitan engages in scientific studies with staff at academic institutions and other partner and water agencies to coordinate re搜索 on habitat restoration and grant opportunities in the Sutter Bypass, 大约14,000英亩的洪泛区有助于维持当地的生态系统进程, 地下水补给, 食物网的生产和水生物种的栖息地.
大都会支持Yolo旁路野生动物区的栖息地恢复188bet棋牌平台, a 60,000-acre floodplain that protects Sacramento from flooding and provides important habitat to migrating waterfowl and endangered fish populations. 最近的改进增加了220英亩的管理湿地, 提高了现有湿地的生产力, 加强野生动物友好型稻田管理, reduced on-site flooding and increased and improved public recreational and educational access to the area.
Metropolitan participates in the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee’s Restoration Subcommittee, 科学资助和治理倡议, and Science Enterprise Subcommittees to identify and implement restoration activities in the Delta that promote natural and human communities, 对压力的适应能力, 适应变化, 娱乐无障碍.
韦伯小道的多效益景观修复 (2023年4月)
湾三角洲政策大纲及目标 (2022年10月)